Qualche mese fa, da questo spazio, avevo detto la mia sull'album "Aradìa", di Sophya Baccini
Avevo anche posto qualche quesito a Sophya e recentemente l'ho conosciuta, in occasione del concerto degli Osanna a Savona a cui lei partecipò con Gianni Leone.
Oggi ho saputo che il suo lavoro è stato premiato e con grande piacere pubblico integralmente le motivazioni, in lingua originale.
Sophya Baccini "Aradìa"
The Jury awarded, unanimously, the "Aradìa" album for the following reasons: a work of great symbolic importance, educational and artistic, for all singers that want begin a musical career of proven value.
In this record, Baccini compares herself with the various vocal and musical styles, from Rock to Folk, from Opera to the Melodic, from Dark To Symphonic atmospheres guiding the listener through the long suite, the product of not banal concept.
Sophya Baccini showed the true meaning of "eclectic artist": an individuality with extreme artistic courage and desire to accept new challenges.
Althought this is a debut solo, this work is so mature that it can't define as an arrival point but as the beginning of a definitive turning point.
The Jury's President
In this record, Baccini compares herself with the various vocal and musical styles, from Rock to Folk, from Opera to the Melodic, from Dark To Symphonic atmospheres guiding the listener through the long suite, the product of not banal concept.
Sophya Baccini showed the true meaning of "eclectic artist": an individuality with extreme artistic courage and desire to accept new challenges.
Althought this is a debut solo, this work is so mature that it can't define as an arrival point but as the beginning of a definitive turning point.
The Jury's President
Fabrizio Catalano
01-La Pietra
02-How Good
03-Studiare, Studiare
04-Will Love Drive Out The Rain?
06-Al Ritmo Di Una Storia
07-Beware, Beware
08-Ever To Small
09-Don't Dream That Dream
10-Non è l'Amore Il Tuo Destino
11-L'ennesimo No
11-L'ennesimo No
14-Two Witches And Doreen
15-Nei Luoghi
16-When The Eagles Flied
17-Circle Game
Sophya Baccini (voice, choirs, piano, mellotron and synths)
Pino Falgiano (Hammond organ, orchestral arrangements, strings)
Guest musicians:
Vittorio Cataldi (violin, accordion)
Pino Falgiano (Hammond organ, orchestral arrangements, strings)
Martin Grice (tenor sax and flutue)
Stefano Vicarelli (moog)
Nona Luna (vocals)
Aurelio Fierro Jr. (drums)
Ana Torres (vocals)
Lino Vairetti (voice)
Music and Lyrics by Sophya Baccini.
Produced and published by Black Widow Records.
01-La Pietra
02-How Good
03-Studiare, Studiare
04-Will Love Drive Out The Rain?
06-Al Ritmo Di Una Storia
07-Beware, Beware
08-Ever To Small
09-Don't Dream That Dream
10-Non è l'Amore Il Tuo Destino
11-L'ennesimo No
11-L'ennesimo No
14-Two Witches And Doreen
15-Nei Luoghi
16-When The Eagles Flied
17-Circle Game
Sophya Baccini (voice, choirs, piano, mellotron and synths)
Pino Falgiano (Hammond organ, orchestral arrangements, strings)
Guest musicians:
Vittorio Cataldi (violin, accordion)
Pino Falgiano (Hammond organ, orchestral arrangements, strings)
Martin Grice (tenor sax and flutue)
Stefano Vicarelli (moog)
Nona Luna (vocals)
Aurelio Fierro Jr. (drums)
Ana Torres (vocals)
Lino Vairetti (voice)
Music and Lyrics by Sophya Baccini.
Produced and published by Black Widow Records.
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