giovedì 24 ottobre 2024

I The Samurai of Prog e Marco Grieco presentano "The Time Machine" (crediti, immagini, testi e teaser)

01 The Time Machine 

Music and lyrics: Marco Grieco 

Marco Bernard: Shuker bass
Marco Grieco: keyboards
Kimmo Pörsti: drums

Serge Tiagniryadno: vocals

Tony Riveryman: electric guitars

Maria Kovalenko: violin

Giovanni Mazzotti: flute

Photos: Serge Tiagniryadno, Giovanni Mazzotti


I built a time machine, to take me back in time

To when the world was young, and everything was fine

I'll travel through the ages, to see what I can find

A journey through history, with my time machine in mind 

Time machine, take me back in time

I'll rewrite history, and make it all mine

Time machine, show me the way

I'll change the past, and make it okay 

I'll witness the creation, of life on this earth

And see the rise and fall, of civilizations since birth

I'll witness wars and peace, and see how they're won

I'll see the good and bad, and all that's done 

Time machine, take me back in time

I'll rewrite history, and make it all mine

Time machine, show me the way

I'll change the past, and make it okay 

But as I travel back in time

I realize that I can't change what's been done

The past is set, it can't be undone 

Time machine, take me back in time

Take me back, in time.

Time machine, show me the way

Show me the way

02 Apes 

Music and lyrics: Marco Grieco 

Marco Bernard: Shuker bass
Marco Grieco: keyboards
Kimmo Pörsti: drums

Serge Tiagniryadno: vocals

Roine Stolt: electric guitars

Maria Kovalenko: violin

Giovanni Mazzotti: flute

Photos: Roine Stolt,


We are the apes, the first of our kind

Wondering about the world we find

The moon in the sky, a mystery to us

Is it a fruit we cannot touch? 

Apes, apes, what do we know?

Of the world around us, its secrets to unfold

The sun, the sea, the clouds above

All puzzling, all unknown to us 

We are the Apes

We are the Apes

We are the Apes

We are the Apes 

The wind blows, and we feel its power

But where does it come from, hour by hour?

The rain falls, and we seek shelter

But why does it come, we cannot fathom, we falter 

Apes, apes, what do we know?

Of the world around us, its secrets to unfold

The sun, the sea, the clouds above

All puzzling, all unknown to us 

We are the Apes

We are the Apes

We are the Apes

We are the Apes 

The fire that warms us, we cannot tame

It consumes and burns, what is its aim?

We look to the stars, and wonder why

Is there a reason, for us to try? 

Will we ever know, the answers we seek?

To navigate the universe, to reach the peak

Of understanding, our purpose and place

In this vast and mysterious space

03 The Last Legionary 

Music and lyrics: Marco Grieco 

Marco Bernard: Shuker bass
Marco Grieco: keyboards
Kimmo Pörsti: drums

Bo-Anders Sandström: vocals

Tony Riveryman: electric guitars

Maria Kovalenko: violin

Marc Papeghin: French horn

Balázs Winkler: trumpet

Photos: Bo-Anders Sandström, Marc Papeghin, Balázs Winkler


I stand amidst the remnants of an empire's ancient reign,

I'm the last legionary, I feel the weight of time's disdain.

I've witnessed countless battles fought, enemies laid to rest,

But as I face my twilight days, I ponder what it all suggests.

I've fought with honor and with might, against foes both far and near,

A guardian of duty, guided by a purpose I hold dear.

But as the empire crumbled, I watched its glory fade away,

And in the wake of countless wars, I question if it was the only way.

The horrors of war, the scars etched upon my soul,

The relentless march of time, revealing life's true toll.

To seek a higher truth, to transcend the mortal plane,

Yet here I stand, the last legionary, a warrior in vain.

In the echoes of my battles, I search for meaning deep,

For progress comes with sacrifice, a burden I must keep.

The conquests and the triumphs, they fade into the night,

Leaving me with emptiness, no solace in my sight.

The horrors of war, the rise and fall of might,

The price paid for power, the struggles that we fight.

To forge a path unknown, to push beyond the known,

Yet in the twilight of my life, I find myself alone.

04 Painting Mona Lisa 

Music and lyrics: Marco Grieco 

Marco Bernard: Shuker bass
Marco Grieco: keyboards
Kimmo Pörsti: drums

Daniel Fäldt: vocals

Roberto Bucci: electric guitars

Maria Kovalenko: violin

Giovanni Mazzotti: flute

Photos: Daniel Fäldt, Roberto Bucci


In shadows of the past, I quietly reside,

A restless soul longing for a different tide.

Trapped within the boundaries of my time,

Yearning for an era where my spirit would chime. 

Painting Mona Lisa, a timeless embrace,

Capturing her essence, her enigmatic grace.

With every stroke, I set my spirit free,

Oh, won't you carry me to where I long to be? 

But I'm trapped here, in this ancient realm,

Too advanced for an age that can't overwhelm.

Designing war machines for lords and kings,

When my heart craved nature's secrets and human beings. 

Take me with you to the future's embrace,

Where I can soar, and my talents find space.

Let my genius thrive in a world yet to be,

Let me live forever, in the tapestry of history.

05 E=MC2 

Music and lyrics: Marco Grieco 

Marco Bernard: Shuker bass
Marco Grieco: keyboards
Kimmo Pörsti: drums

Clive Nolan: vocals

Marcel Singor: electric guitars

Giovanni Mazzotti: flute

Photos: Clive Nolan, Marcel Singor


Within my restless mind's abyss

I sought the secrets, the cosmic twist

Unraveling the universe's lore

Unveiling truths at its very core

But deep within, a conflict stirs

A knowledge gained, a world that blurs

A discovery that birthed both light and dread

Was it worth the path on which I tread?

In the realm of brilliance, I stand alone

Unveiling wonders, seeds I have sown

Yet shadows of doubt cloud my soul

Have I paid the price, lost control?

Equations swirl, a symphony profound

Revealing nature's rhythms, the world unwound

A glimpse of cosmic symmetries

Yet burdened by their consequences, I freeze

A fusion of atoms, a boundless might

Igniting the darkness, a blinding light

But with it came the echoes of despair

The weight of repercussions, too heavy to bear

Could I have changed the path destiny chose?

A different trajectory, a world redefined

To ease the burden on my weary mind

06 Moon 

Music: Marco Grieco 

Marco Bernard: Shuker bass
Marco Grieco: keyboards
Kimmo Pörsti: drums

Peter Matuchniak: electric guitars

Maria Kovalenko: violin

Photos: Peter Matuchniak, Maria Kovalenko



07 Madiba’s Life 

Music: Marco Grieco 

Marco Grieco: Grand piano

Marco Grieco at piano



08 Future 

Music and lyrics: Marco Grieco 

Marco Bernard: Shuker bass
Marco Grieco: keyboards
Kimmo Pörsti: drums

Christina Booth: vocals

Tony Riveryman: electric guitars

Maria Kovalenko: violin

Photos: Christina Booth, Tony Riveryman


In the haze of tomorrow's dawn,

I wander through the unknown,

A woman in the face of fate,

Embracing what's yet to be shown. 

Time's river flows, I'm carried away,

Into the realms of what could be,

The future's call, a siren's song,

Beckoning me, enticing me. 

In the echoes of the uncharted lands,

I find strength to face the fears,

With every step, I take a chance,

Embracing joys and shedding tears. 

Time's river roars, I'm swept away,

To the horizon's shifting line,

I'll dance on stars, conquer the night,

Writing my story, a grand design. 

The future's mysteries,

Like a stormy sea, it pulls at me,

Through the highs and lows,

I'll brave the undertow,

With courage! With courage,

I'll unfurl my wings,

To face (to face) the ever-changing things,

In the plan of destiny,

A woman in the wild, I'll be.

In the cosmic dance of fate,

I'll find my place, I won't hesitate,

Through the trials and the tests,

I'll rise above, I'll give my best.

In the cosmic dance of fate,

I'll find my place, I won't hesitate,

Through the trials and the tests,

I'll rise above, I'll give my best

In the cosmic dance of fate,

I'll find my place, I won't hesitate,

Through the trials and the tests,

I'll rise above, I'll give my best